May 22, 2007 7:43pm

Hey Penny is practicing downstairs. All I can hear is bang bang, pop pop. I'm trying to watch TV but it isn't a success.

Last night I was supposed to meet up with a group of people in Nashville... but apparently I can't read. I seriously thought the email said to meet at Cabanas @ 7pm. So there was Ryan and me looking around for everyone. After 30 mins we called it quit and got a table to eat pizza. Figured everyone canceled and I just didn't know. When I got home and rechecked my email, I came to find out I shouldn't have passed 1st grade... it didn't say to meet at Cabanas, it said to meet at Carrabas. So we missed out on the entire meeting. Not too smart of me!

On a cooler note, things are picking up with my photography. Booked a couple more weddings, family portraits and kid portraits. I'm really enjoying this creative outlet!

Also, on a cooler note, Ryan and I have some down time so we will be visiting Sunset Beach! Hooray! Emily and Jesse will be with us for a few days and then we'll be on our own. You can bet your bottom dollar we'll be booging on some boogie boards! Crave the wave here we come!!!

Pictures will be displayed from the adventure, so hold tight!

April 5, 2007 9:43pm

I received my business cards today. I'm extremely pleased with the outcome. did a mighty fine job. Good job fellow friends!

March 19, 2006 9:48pm

I've been busy working on my photography... take a look for yourself!

I have a few weddings next month. One of which is Jess and Ben Day's... hooray! And the other in San Francisco with Matt and Melessa! Ryan and I are meeting up with Matt and Melessa this weekend to do their engagement session. I can't wait!!!

Things are starting to slowly come together. I'm having fun and meeting new people.

December 9, 2006 2:06pm

Traveled to London, Paris and Rome and now have returned to Nashville. Ryan and I had a wonderful 3 weeks overseas. We explored. We ventured. And we had a blast. Got in a bit of trouble with the London police for having mace, but it all ended well.

Since I've been back from Europe I've been very busy. Been photographing several weddings. Picked up a second job at Pier 1 Imports. And have been preparing for Christmas. Because Ryan and I have been busy, it's been awhile since we spent some quality time together. It makes us miss one another a whole lot... even when we sleep next to each other every night. We'll get back on track soon... especially after the holiday when I won't be working at Pier 1 anymore.

It's been fun working at Pier 1 though... I've been turning right back around and spending my checks there. Everyone prepare yourself for a Pier 1 Import product Christmas present! Our house is nicely decorate thanks to Pier 1 too.

August 24, 2006 9:16pm

I've eaten an egg 'n' a hole 3 times this week. I've always enjoyed this dish, but I'm beginning to wonder if this is my new love. Have I found something that defeats fried chicken? Guess we'll have to see. But really, 2 egg 'n' a holes 3 times this week. I've gone mad!

I've also gone dance crazy. I think I've danced in the office at least 7 to 10 times this week. With and without Lisa. I think it's because this weekend is my bachelorette party in Atlanta and I wanted to buff up on my moves. They are looking pretty amazing!

I'm very excited about Atlanta. Friday night the girls and I are going out to eat dinner. Then coming back to the hotel room for my lingerie shower. Should be interesting. Then we'll head back out to dance it up in Atlanta. Saturday consists of all day roller coaster fun. Sunday is our day for shopping at ikea and traveling home.

Monday... party is over and I'm back to work. Hooray for weekends. Hooray for parties. Hooray for getting married.

This laptop is making my legs warm, so I better shut it down. Plus, I'm kind of hungry for an egg 'n' a hole!!!

August 16, 2006 9:56pm

It's exactly one month till I become a wife. Although tonight I felt like one ironing some of Ryans work clothes for him.

Tonight Ryan and I did a few wedding errands. We met up with Michael from Monells to finalize the wedding reception. I'm super excited about Monells catering the reception. I'm excited to eat fried chicken! We ended up staying at Monells and Michael treated us to dinner... which was nice and unexpected, as I didn't wear my stretchy pants!

Sarah came over around 8:30 and we worked on the wedding programs. The prototype looks amazing! It's awesome having Sarah help us out with the wedding stationery. She did such a fantasic job on the invitations. The programs are going to be even better.

It's weird because now all Ryan and I are doing is waiting to get married. When we set the date we were thinking... "oh how nice, let's get married on the same date as when we started dating." Now we just want to get married. It'll sneak up fast I know.

We have a few busy months ahead of us. Especially now that we'll be traveling to Europe just after our honeymoon. I'm very excited about this trip. London, Paris and Rome... here I come!

August 3, 2006 7:41pm

Ryan called me from Las Vegas on Tuesday night informing me his moms house burnt down. It was the craziest thing. Still is the craziest thing.

July 24, 2006 9:41pm

I had a wedding shower a couple weekends ago and it was so much fun. I really enjoyed being around everyone. Just this Saturday Ryan and I looked around for wedding bands. It won't be too long till we are wearing them.

But enough wedding talk... let's talk about London! Ryan's work is sending him to London in the fall for a couple weeks. And I'll be the lucky duck who is married to him, and gets to go by default. I can't wait. I'm looking forward to wandering around the city while he is working hard on computers. Then maybe on a couple of the weekends we'll travel over to France. I'm excited for this trip. It will be like a second honeymoon.

July 9, 2006 9:04pm

Today was a day full of tasks. Tasks that were completed.

I painted the door in the office. Purchased food to keep my belly happy. Cleaned the kitchen and living room. Got the kitchen and living room dirty. Made decorations with mom. Brought them to the church. Stopped by Sarahs to look at the wedding invitations she made for me and Ryan. Went to the mall to buy Ryan swimming trunks. And last but not least, compiled addresses, and emailed Rikki the "His and Her" shower invites. Just two more months and I'll be a wife. It's pretty crazy, but pretty exciting. I'm ready for this wedding. I'm ready for the honeymoon. After I finished all my tasks today, I even went through some clothes that I would pack for our cruise. Probably by next week I'll be packed with my bags by the front door ready to go.

Next Saturday is my shower that Elaine and Judy are putting on for me. I'm really excited about it! It's going to be great to have my family and close girl friends all in one room! Since the guys are not invited to this shower, they will be joining Ryan and his dad at the lake house for a cookout. I think there will be some jet skies, boats, and fishing. I'm glad that they can all get together to do that.

June 18,2006 9:33pm

Ryan and I went to 3 Crow Bar last night for Apollo Up's cd release show. Before the show we had celebrated at April and Jereme's house with bbq and ping pong. It was a lot of fun.

Today was fathers day... so I loved my dad, at burgers, fished and rode in a boat. A pretty manly day!

May 3,2006 7:45am

Ladies and gentlemen, it's May and you know what that means!!!!

Ryan and his dad have been working hard on building a shed. It's been raining a lot, so it's delayed the progress a bit, but they are getting there.

This Friday I get to go to the Tennessee Aquarium with work. I can't wait. I have been there with Ryan and have really enjoyed it. I just want to see me some Sea Dragons.

I've updated my flickr account. It had been a long time but there are finally some new pictures. Some of my garden, Ryan and his dad building the shed, the marathon, parties etc.... enjoy

April 28,2006 6:09pm

I haven't updated my website in a long time. My pizza is cooking so I have at least 20mins to recap on things.

The wedding plans are going well. Ryan and I have pretty much everything finalized. There are just a few small details that we are still working on. Like rings... I think we totally forgot that we needed to get those. I told Ryan that when his dad asks us what we bring to show our vowes, we'll just say a hi-five and then slap. Sounds like a pretty good idea!

On top of planning a wedding, I've been planning and working on a garden. I don't have a green thumb and have already killed a plant. I'm learning though. I've landscaped, I've weeded, I've dug and I've planted. I'm taking weekend by weekend. I hope to have the majority of it done soon though. While I'm working on my garden project, Ryan and his dad are working on the shed.

I have several projects lined up for the summer... but I think I might need to hold off for awhile... can't go spending all this money on house projects when we have a wedding project coming up in September.

So anyway, that's what's been going on... My pizza is almost done! I'm not doing too much tonight. Ryan returns from Boston and then I think we are going to Leif's going away party. I can't stay out too late though cause I going to the Country Music Marathon with April and Lisa at 6:30am. Apollo Up is playing at one of the ports. So there will be music, girls and muffins. Later that afternoon I'll try and plant some more. Then I'll probably need a nap.

Ohhh... pizza is done!

February 11,2006 9:59pm

Lisa, Ryan and I ran several errands today. It probably was the best day we've had in a long time. So many funny things! So many funny people!

Tomorrow starts the week of going to shows. Should be fun....

January 9,2006 11:15am

The receptionist from The Church of Christ the King just informed me of some I should marry within my own perish.

I didn't realizing finding a church for a wedding ceremony would be so difficult. Nor did I realize I would get a sermon on why one needs to be a member of a church. Geez.

January 3,2006 8:35pm

It's the new year and I've made no resolutions. However, Ryan did... and his resolution was to dance more. As seen in this example:

We can easily say he is the best dancer ever! But really, I have no New Years resolution. But this should be a great year. After all, 2006 is the year I'll get married!

Yesterday I took a bath for the first time in months. It was very relaxing. I laid there and watched the water drip from the faucet. I stayed for 137 drips and thought about how wonderful it is that I am the length of a bath tub. I should take baths more often. Maybe one a week.

December 13,2005 10:50pm

Over the years I've been known to drop friendships here and there. But I've done so because things just didn't work out. Things might not be working out right now because you are not making the effort to fix things. 4 yrs. of a friendship isn't something you just want to throw away without trying to save first.. or is it?

November 29,2005 8:35am

Well I'm back from Mississippi. I went there over the Thanksgiving holiday to visit with Ryan's family. I had a great time and was very well fed. Of course when one is in Mississippi, one must visit Letha's for some of her famous ribs. So on Friday night that is exactly what we did. I've had her ribs on another occasion but Ryan and I were in a rush, so we ate out. This time I had the full experience of Letha's because I sat there and had my order taken by her daughter Bonnie. Ryan's mom took me to Hudsons Dirt Cheap, another famous attraction of Mississippi (at least to me.) I spoiled myself rotten with all sorts of goodies from there. It was a good trip!

It's close to December and I'm getting all sorts of last minute Christmas party reservations for work. I still have some dates that are open that I really wish were booked! Maybe they will book in the next couple of days... who knows?

I'm usually finished with all my Christmas shopping by now, but not this year. I haven't purchased one Christmas present for anyone because I haven't been given any gift suggestions. My family is usually very good with emailing Christmas lists out... not this year. .

November 21,2005 8:50am

This past week has been extremely busy. It all started on Wednesday November 16th, when Ryan proposed to me. He proposed to me while we were doing my radio show and he did it on air. I was really shocked and thought he was kidding around the entire time. So now we have a wedding to plan.

Friday night Ryan and I went out to dinner with a friend of his from work and her husband. I had a special reservation for Tony Romma's in Orpryland. They were closed to the public because of training, but they had a number of customers in there that they were using as ginny pigs. We had a blast. The food was delicious! I think it was a bit more delicious that night because our entire meal was complementary. There was a price on alcoholic beverages, but not much... $1 for a beer and $2 for any mixed drink you want. Talk about a cheap date. Granted they were testing their restaurant on us and we were an hour late for being seated... but they still passed. Our server Jared was great. So if you ever eat over there, ask for Jared! Later that night we all went bowling with a few more of Ryan's co-workers. It was all you can bowl that night. And I'll have to know that I bowled a 167 on one game. I'm amazing!

This Sunday, Ryan and I went to see the Titans play. It only took me 7 years of living in this city to finally see them. I really enjoyed myself. I enjoyed it more in person than watching it on tv.

That's really about all that has taken place this past week. The big news being the engagement! Hooray.... This week Ryan and I are going to Mississippi for Thanksgiving. Plus while we are there we will go get Letha's Ribs!

November 8, 2005 8:12am

Since Friday my days have consisted of:

1.Surprise Birthday party for Ryan on Friday at Amerigos
2. Drove to Atlanta with Ryan and my parents
3. Baby shower for Matt and Melissa on Saturday
4. Games at with Terri, Mary, Jeffery, Matt, Melissa, Ryan, Mom and Dad late Saturday night
5. Lost a card game
6. Drove back to Nashville late Sunday night
7. Worked Monday and met with my boss Melissa for dinner and a one on one

And today is Ryans birthday, so we'll eat dinner with his mom at her house.

Happy Birthday Boyfriend!

November 3, 2005 8:12am

You plan and plan... then this happens. Everyone messes up a little bit, right?

October 13 ,2005 10:36pm

Wednesday night we had a ladies party at work. Very interesting!!! It was also Megans birthday so it all worked out well. I stayed late at work, but it was well worth it!

As for today, I drove a friend home today and I got sick from looking at him every now and then. He was making me dizzy cause he was swaying side to side in his seat. What a silly way to get sick.. I better start wearing my wrist bands again.

Tomorrow I have plans to get the goody bags ready for the girls to take out and do some paperwork. I'll then call it a day and head off to the woods with Ryan, Andrew, Emily, Jesse, Chase and Mitch. I love camping! And I love camping with these people. Last year we didn't make it out into the woods due to the rain. Instead we camped in Ryans huge family room when he lived in Hendersonville. It was kind of like being in the woods... I mean we were surrounded by them, there was a fire and we still cooked smores. It was a lot of fun! This year will be just as great - I just wish it was a bit colder!

October 5 ,2005 11:36pm

I've just returned from Murfreesboro where I travel to every Wednesday to do my radio show. I have a couple interns this semester. Interns that are lovely and have WMTS potential! I had a bad encounter with a car on my way home. Nothing serious, but it just made me mad. But all is good... I am home now.

Lisa and I have been getting up every morning to go jogging. Tomorrow morning will be my day to sleep in. I've done enough as it is! But it's really good that we are doing this. I feel healthy already!

Tomorrow we plan to see Slack at the exit in. It's been a mighty long time since I've seen them, so it will nice.

I don't have too much planned for the weekend. Friday I just want to hang out and do much of nothing. Saturday is cosmetic day. I'm meeting up with the Event Coordinator from Rivergate to attend this event. Sunday is a possible trip to the Circus... if I can find a buddy to come with me. Or if not the Circus, there will be an afternoon bike ride and a picnic in the park! I like my weekends a whole lot!

I kind of can't wait to start another week though. I've enjoyed this week so far, but I don't think it's been the best. I've been iffy lately and been confusing up a whole lot of things.


September 29,2005 9:00pm

Just a few things....
1. It's Thursday night and I'm not doing anything
2. I drank a lot of water, therefore making the bathroom my new best friend
3. I want to be picked up

That's it.

September 26,2005 10:29pm

Saturday was full of Nashville adventure with Lisa, Erin and Ryan. The day started with a trip to the Art Festival at Cenntenial Park, followed by a lunch visit at Hot Diggity Dog, and a dessert trip to Las Paletas. And as Ryan says... "it's good in t
he way that it tastes!" Saturday night Lisa, Erin and I ate dinner at Mrs. Winners... we had a coupon and it was amazing! I think Mrs. Winners put some speed in our chicken, cause as soon as the three of us entered the apartment we danced it up helmet style. I set up the video camera without Erin and Lisa knowing and got some great footage! After the mini dance party we headed to Ken's Karaoke. We had the same room as last time too... but this time we danced so hard we knocked off tiles from the ceiling downstairs. Opps, sorry Ken! Following singing and dancing, came more dancing at the Blue Bar. Todd, Lisa, Erin and I only wanted to jump in for a few songs, shake our butt and then leave. So it was a quick visit this time, but a good one.

Sunday was a full day of painting. Lisa and I went to Ryan's to help paint. We did the hallway and the office. We didn't finish, but maybe when Ryan and his mom paint tonight they will! I think Ryan is really happy with his house. It's a really cute house for a really cute boy!

And now the weekend is over.... sad isn't it. But next weekend will be just as great!

September 21,2005 2:30pm

Today I worked a half of a day because Thursday will be a very very long shift for me. A long one but a fun one. Lynn and I are coordinating a benefit at the Red Iguana along with M.A.C cosmetics. Those girls need to hook me up with a lovely makeover!

September has been an entertaining month so far. This is what's been going on... and what's to come....

1. Ryan bought a house.
2. Been helping Ryan paint and move in.
3. Lisa's birthday
4. My birthday.
5. Aaron's birthday.
6. Bike rides with Lisa.
7. Karaoke
8. Saturday dance parties at the Blue Bar
9. Rollerskating parties.
10. Dinner with Bryce and Anna
11. Coldplay
12. Keane
13 Sufjan Stevens... to come that is!
14. Elton John.

Lisa and I were talking yesterday about how we want to have a "Welcome Fall" party. I think it should start off at the pumpkin farm in Franklin where there is the giant corn maze. Then we'll head back to our place for some pumpkin seeds, cider, smore's, and then we'll do it up karaoke style. Lisa and I will keep you all posted on the "Welcome Fall" party!

September 10,2005 6:45am

She always made such a big deal out of things......... and for that, I miss her!


September 8,2005 11:45pm

Wow, I haven't written on my website in forever. I better get back into the swing of things and pick up the local gossip. Just kidding. Anyway.. what's been going on here?? Good question.

I went to Alaska. Ryan purchased a house. Then he left me for England. So I worked... a lot! Lisa turned 23. And now it's time for my birthday. Hooray for September 13th! Friday night a bunch of us are actually going out bowling. Then after I bowl a 500 we'll head over to the Blue Bar and dance it up awesome style. Should be a good night.


July 12, 2005 9:45pm

I leave for Alaska tomorrow morning!

June 24, 2005 7:45am

Last night Ryan and I went to see the sneak preview for the movie Bewitched. It was a cute movie. Nothing too amazing, just entertaining. It was a bit odd being there though and not actually working the sneak preview.. basically that means... it was odd not getting paid to watch a sneak preview movie! The last sneak preview that I did was Land of the Dead, and I wasn't even able to make it to that showing. I'm not sure what I have coming in the mail for the next movie... but I'm sure it will be good.

Tonight I have 5 parties. I had to reschedule a few of mine from yesterday to today because of the basketball game. Apparently this was the first game 7 in 11years... so we were very busy and packed last night. There would have been no room for my parties.

Saturday morning is when I move. I don't offically move in until June 30th or so, cause the old roommate will not move out all her stuff till then. It's so strange to me. This girl is paying for an apartment that she never lives in. I think she has been doing this for like 2 months now. At least Lisa has been able to have the place to herself. But not for long... cause here I come! Later that night is a wedding for one of Ryan's friends. I don't think I'll be present because I really should go into work Saturday night. I have another group of 5 parties.

I've been thinking lately... I want to go to a water park. I'll even go to NashvilleShores if I have to. But I'm sure there is something better out there... and close by!

June 23, 2005 10:30am

I need a night of fun! So to the movies I go!


June 21, 2005 10:00am

For Fathers Day I treated my dad and mom to some cajun food at Steam Boat Bill's. Ryan did the same for his dad. So we had both sets of parents meet up at the lake house for some chit chat and then we were off to fill our bellies! I'd say it was an eventful night.

I haven't done too much since fathers day. Been going to work, coming home being lazy, sleeping and then going back to work. What I would really like to do is be lazy by a pool right now. Even if it's for an hour. It's a shame that it's summer and I haven't busted out my swimsuits. I miss having a pool! Whenever I buy a house I'm going to put a pool in the backyard!

June 15, 2005 11:55pm

I threw a party for the Titans Cheerleaders tonight.

Tomorrow I have 4 events scheduled and a promotional tour with Lynn to do. It's going to get a bit busy at work!

June 14, 2005 10:15pm

It's been a very long time since I written on my website. This mainly has to do with it hating me and not wanting to upload. It's finally decided to be my friend again.

Just the other day I went to Altanta to surprise Ryan. There was a knock at his hotel door and there I was. While there we hung out with Andie, Chase and Ryans uncle. It was a quick trip for me, but it was nice.

Now I'm back in Murfreesboro and back at work... oh did I mention that I am now an Event Coordinator for Bailey's? Well I am and it's a lot of fun... especially now that the money is rolling in. But I won't be in Murfreesboro for very long. In just the next couple of days I'll be moving to Nashville with my pal Lisa. I can't wait for that. I have my bags packed and I'm ready.

May 17, 2005 11:46 am

I'm back from Florida. Last week Ryan was in Orlando on business, so on Wednesday night I flew there to meet him. While he was working I stayed at the hotel and swam. Thursday he got off at 4pm and we went to the beach for awhile. We saw the Kennedy Space Center, ate at the Dixie Crossroads (the coolest place on earth) and visted Ron Jon Surf Shop. Friday, Ryan got out of his class around 1pm so we headed to our Disney All Star Music Resort early. Ryan had a rental car, but we didn't need it while at Disney so we left the hotel to return it back to the airport. We returned back to the hotel on Disney's Magical Express - something every Disney resort resident should take advantage of. You don't have to deal with your luggage at all. It goes from the airport to the bus, then to your hotel room. We didn't do much on Friday, just stayed at the hotel, went swimming and planned out adventures for Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday we headed to Animal Kingdom, then Magic Kingdom, and then Epcot. Ryan and I are awesome at planning trips to theme parks. We took advantage of the Fast Pass and didn't have to wait in line for more than 15 mins. We would get a Fast Pass for one ride, then go do something else, then come back to that ride only to find ourselves at the head of the line. I don't understand why more people do not take advantage of this wonderful pass!

Sunday we went to MGM studios and then went back to Epcot for a few rides that we missed. Then later that day we left Disney World and returned back to Nasvhille.

I was sad to leave... but Ryan had to come back for work and so did I. Yup, while in Florida I got a call from Melissa offering me the event coordinator position. I took it... and I start this Wednesday for some of my trainning. This should be fun.

I'm working on putting up a gallery on my website - it's about time I do this!!!

May 6, 2005 11:00 am

Ladies and gentlemen, Jessica Blair Yung is finished with her exams - which means I am finished with school! Exams were not as horrible as I expected them to be. On my Purchasing exam Kristen and I figured out we only needed to make a 15 in order to pass the class. I'm sure I made above a 15... maybe a 20? haha. After my last exam on Thursday I went to Lisa's to hang out with her and make my graduation sash. She helped me put it together and I must say... she did an excellent job. After the many hours spent making the sash, we headed out to celebrate Cinco De Mayo. Tacos are great! But while eating them Lisa and I couldn't help but feel bad server couldn't enjoy his own holiday cause he had to work. I think Mexican restaurants should be closed on Cinco De Mayo... or maybe not. Cause like I said, tacos are great!

Today my family and I are going to spend the day in Nashville and Franklin. Ryan will eventually meet up with us when he gets off work. After we do our thing in Nashville, Ryan and I will return back to Murfreesboro for a hot tub party. Then it’s off to sleep. I need my rest before I have to walk across the stage to get my diploma. I hope I don’t trip.

April 30, 2005 9:30am

Last night I went and saw Josh Rouse play at the Exit In. I stood towards the front so I could see better, but it was still difficult to see with the many heads blocking my view. The show sold out, but luckily for Ryan and I we were on the guest list. Well we were supposed to be on the guest list. When we got there our names were not on the list... but because I'm very smart and think of everything, I printed out and brought the email verifying we were supposed to be on the list. You can't argue with an email coming straight from the promoter. Seems to me that promoters are very forgetfull cause this has happened a few other times. It happened at one of the last shows I went to see, Lucero. Lisa and April had problems getting in when they were on the guest list, so I had to show the email to the doorman. Geez! It doesn't take much to write a couple names down on a guest list... and if you can't do it, don't offer!

But all went well - Ryan and I still got in.

T oday I'm going to my parents house in Clarksville. We are having a cookout! It's a cookout to celebrate my future graduation... and by future I mean in just a week. It should be fun. We are having ribs, hamburgers, sausages, corn on the cob, beans, pasta, black bean salad, sushi, and two cakes. My friends Keith and Nicole are coming early so my dad and I can show them how to make sushi!

But now it's time to leave for the party...

April 09, 2005 5:35pm

Thursday night I went to see Lucero at the Mercy Lounge. It was a late show but it didn't matter to me... cause it was Lucero. Plus April and Lisa were going to be there and I could dance with them. We stood right in front and had a blast. Ryan went as well, but he ended up leaving early cause he had to work early Friday morning.

Friday Ryan got off work early and he helped me put up some flyers around Nashville. Then we came home, watched tv and just hung out.

This afternoon it was so beautiful that Ryan and I hung out on his porch and then went for a walk around the park. In about 20 mins his band is gonna come over and practice a bit before their show later tonight at the five spot. It will be good to attend their show. I haven't seen them in a long time. The last couple of times they have played I've been out of town. Plus I'm excited about their new songs... as well as seeing Ryan play. It makes me very happy to see him play - cause I know he loves it. Before our walk today he was playing to his click track and a song that Aaron had recorded, and it was the cutest thing. There he was all alone in his basement playing to his bands song. I watched for a little while before he noticed me. I just couldn't stop smiling. He makes me so happy.

April 04, 2005 9:10am

This weekend I was supposed to go camping with Ryan, Andrew, Jesse and Emily, but the weather was iffy and we didn't want to be out in the woods all cold and wet. Instead we all decided to travel to Hendersonville where Ryan lives and camp out at his house in the woods. This way we sill have the beautiful view but we are sheltered better and dry! It was a blast. I was like having an adventurous sleepover. We all made beds in his family room and kept the fire burning from Friday to Sunday. We watched movies, cooked food, roasted marshmallows to make smores, shot off fireworks and shot guns.

Saturday night we went into town and visited Steamboat Bills. There we enjoyed a good conversation and good crawfish, catfish and shrimp. When we came home everyone played Monopoly except for me - there is something about that game that I hate It took them four hours to complete... I think that is what I hate about the game... it takes so dang long to win! I like instant success personally!

Sunday morning everyone left. I stayed behind to help clean up a bit but ended up cleaning the whole house with Ryan. What's really weird is that Ryan and I had fun cleaning. We even went through some of his clothes and got rid of stuff too big or too small. That boy has more clothes than me! Plus he has lots of clothes that still have tags on them that he purchased 5 years ago.

We will be having a yard sale in the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know when... but it will be at my house in Murfreesboro. Ryan and I are doing to Disney World and we need some extra cash - therefore a yard sale is in need!

Anyway, that's it.

P.S - some things on my website are not up and ready to go... they will be soon. hold your horses!

March 27, 2005 8:14pm

I spent Easter at my parents house in Clarksville. My brother Matt and Melissa came in for the weekend as well. We spent the majority of the weekend watching old home videos. Man, I never stopped when I was little. I was always doing something!

The house was full on Easter. Elaine came with her new puppy Duncan. Andrew came from Murfreesboro. Then there was Ryan, Rikki, and Nancy. Plus my parents, my brother and his wife, and me. The house was full and our tummies were too. We had a leg of lamb, turkey, ham, potatoes, pineapple casserole, asparagus, rolls, squash casserole, banana pudding and chocolate cake. Everything was delicious!

I'm now about to start some homework while Ryan and the guys practice beneath me in the basement. Makes for a noisy study hall huh?